As a universal open source CMS, TYPO3 is flexible and scalable, making it ideal for medium-sized to large websites. It offers a user-friendly interface, powerful content management, multilingualism and strong extensibility. The features include flexible templating, user and rights management, extensive plugins, SEO tools and a strong community. It enables quick customisation and is particularly suitable for complex, individual web projects.
TYPO3 integrates well with AI tools to improve the user experience and automate processes. For example, personalised content, chatbots and intelligent search functions can be easily integrated. The integration of AI-supported SEO optimisations and automated analysis functions is also possible, making TYPO3 a future-proof solution for modern websites.
We are specialists in TYPO3 and manage numerous TYPO3 projects using the various features and are passionate about this CMS.
Get more information or contact us directly.